
Mt Etna and Wild Food

From the coastal town of Taormina and for lovers of very good wines you cannot pass Mt Etna and surrounding towns. This is an area I love to visit on my tours to Sicily.

Baked ricotta

Ricotta the Mascot of Sicily Cheese

Ricotta you could almost say is Sicily’s mascot cheese. You can find it in so many different dishes, desserts and applications and comes in a variety or degrees of fresh, cooked and dried.

The Shalai Shop

An Introduction to East Sicily

My travels through Sicily thus far have expanded for over almost 30 years. From a little girl with gold sleeper earrings and curls, I remember the joy, excitement and love I had for this island, my Sicilian family, and the abundance that it produces.

Chocolate Loving Modica And The Style Of Taormina

The food trails of Sicily lead us to Modica an aristocratic town made famous in the 16th century by the Spanish and the introduction of the cocoa bean.


The Insiders Guide to Palermo

On the 9th of June I will be welcoming my next group with open arms in Palermo.
This article in the Australian over the weekend is perfect timing for you to get a taste for what you can see and do in Palermo.