5 Places To Visit That Inspired Movies/Shows

If your hobby is travelling, and you do a frequent amount of it, sometimes picking another destination can be hard. There’s just so much to see, and unless you already have the inspiration for somewhere, deciding your next destination is very difficult to do. However, after recently being sat down watching netflix with friends, an idea occurred: What about visiting places strongly affiliated with TV shows/Movies? You can likely experience exactly where certain parts were cast, and this method is a very popular way for fans to come and try and recreate their favourite scenes from their favourite shows! Although it’s possible for a solo traveller to do this, it’s likely much more fun to go as part of a group, maybe people with the same interest in TV shows? Here are some great examples for inspiration!

Dubrovnik – Croatia – Game of Thrones

Following the success of Game of Thrones, Croatia became an incredibly popular location for tourists, in particular Dubrovik. People flocked in far and wide to see the streets of Kingslanding and the ‘shame steps’, as they’ve been affectionately named. In Dubrovnik alone, you can walk along the castle walls of Kings Landing, you can visit the Red Keep, walk to the edge of the bay that Sansa spends a lot of time staring from (Which by the way, is actually one of the most popular scenes for a lot of fans to recreate, alongside the steps), you can visit the house of the undying (But you won’t disappear as Khaleesi did), and so many more. Dubrovnik is also situated very well next to local islands you can visit that are the locations for many more GoT scenes, but you should absolutely experience this for yourself!


Matamata – New Zealand – Lord of The Rings

Home to what Lord of the Rings fans will all know as ‘Hobbiton, or the Shire’, Matamata is a beautiful location to visit, and a must see if you’ve ever seen Peter Jackson’s LoTR series. Matamata is very true to the set itself and looks exactly as it looks in the movies. With over 40 ‘hobbit holes’ to see, and guided tours that include visiting the clearing in which Bilbo has his party before mysteriously disappearing, and can kick back your feet at the ‘Green Dragon’, a tavern fondly known for Merry and Pippin’s antics.

Hatfield Park – Hertfordshire – Various Movies

Hatfield Park is one of the most iconic spots to film in the UK, largely owing to Hatfield House, which as well as being used in the recent show Bridgerton as the house of the Featheringtons, has also played host to many other films and shows, such as Sherlock Holmes, Harry Potter, etc. Hatfield house is a very popular building to be used generally as a house for royal or wealthy families, another example being the Croft Manor in the Tomb Raider films played by Angelina Jolie.

Salzberg – Austria – The Sound of Music

For a fan of musicals, Salzberg is not only a lovely city to visit in general, but is famous for many of the locations seen in The Sound of Music, many of which are available to visit, including the iconic Schloss Leopoldskron, (which is the exterior of the Von Trapp Household, and also a hotel in which you can stay in now), Schloss Hellbrunn, (where you’ll find the Gazebo in which Maria and the Captain sang their famous duet “Something Good”), St. Peter’s Monastery, where the family took refuge in their efforts to escape the Nazis, and many more locations.

London – Harry Potter

As well as being just a lovely city to travel to, being the capital, London is home to one of the most famous train stations in the world, thanks to the magical world of Harry Potter. Harry Potter fans will know all too well the method in which to get to platform 9 and ¾ , and Kings Cross eventually marked a wall in between 9 and 10 as homage, much to fans’ enjoyment. It is still used daily for thousands of photoshoots, and while you’re at the station, why not board a train to Oxford, home of so many filming locations around hogwarts? Unfortunately you can’t board a train directly to Oxford, which would have felt exactly as if you’re going to Hogwarts, but it’s not far off, and the trade off is worth it to see the inspiration behind places like the Hogwarts Great Hall, and so many other parts of the Oxford University that ended up making Hogwarts.

Why Low Blue Light Feature on Phones is Essential for Eye Protection

The low blue light feature on phones plays a crucial role in protecting eye health and minimizing the potential negative effects of blue light exposure on visual comfort, eye strain, and long-term eye health. By reducing the amount of blue light emitted by smartphone displays, this feature aims to alleviate digital eye strain, minimize the risk of eye fatigue, and support overall eye protection for users. Understanding the importance of the low blue light feature in safeguarding eye health can help individuals make informed decisions about their screen time habits and prioritize visual comfort when using electronic devices. Below are detailed explanations of why the low blue light feature on phones is essential for eye protection.

Roles of Low Blue Light Feature on Phones

1. Blue Light and Eye Health

Blue light is a high-energy visible light emitted by digital screens, LED lighting, and sunlight. Prolonged exposure to blue light, particularly from screens, can lead to eye strain, discomfort, and potential long-term risks to eye health. Blue light exposure has been associated with digital eye strain, dry eyes, blurred vision, and disruptions to sleep patterns. Minimizing blue light exposure is essential for protecting the eyes and maintaining visual comfort during screen use. And the HONOR 200 price dubai with this function is very worthy for you to know more about it.

2. Alleviating Discomfort and Visual Disturbances

Low blue light settings reduce glare, brightness, and harshness from blue light emissions, making the visual experience more comfortable and less straining on the eyes. By filtering out blue light, this feature can enhance visual clarity, reduce visual disturbances, and improve contrast and color accuracy on smartphone displays.

3. Support for Circadian Rhythms and Sleep Patterns

Blue light exposure in the evening can disrupt circadian rhythms and melatonin production, affecting sleep quality. The low blue light feature helps maintain the body’s natural sleep-wake cycle by reducing blue light exposure before bedtime. By minimizing blue light exposure, users may experience improved sleep onset, better sleep quality, and enhanced overall sleep patterns, leading to a more restful and rejuvenating night’s sleep.

4. Prevention of Long-Term Eye Health Risks

Excessive blue light exposure has been linked to an increased risk of macular degeneration, a leading cause of vision loss. The low blue light feature helps reduce this risk by limiting blue light exposure and protecting retinal health. Chronic exposure to blue light from screens can contribute to digital eye fatigue, a condition characterized by eye discomfort and visual disturbances. The low blue light feature helps alleviate these symptoms and protect against long-term eye strain.

5. Promotion of Healthy Screen Time Habits

The low blue light feature encourages users to practice balanced screen time habits by reducing the impact of blue light exposure on eye health without completely avoiding device use. By incorporating low blue light settings into daily smartphone usage, individuals can create a more eye-friendly screen time environment that prioritizes visual comfort, eye protection, and overall well-being.

6. Adaptation to Diverse Lighting Conditions

Many smartphones with a low blue light feature offer adjustable settings for blue light reduction, allowing users to customize the intensity based on ambient lighting conditions and personal preferences. Activating the low blue light feature or night mode in the evening signals to the body that it is time to wind down and prepare for sleep, supporting healthy circadian rhythms and promoting relaxation.


By utilizing the low blue light feature on phones and incorporating healthy screen time habits, individuals can safeguard their eye health, minimize eye strain, and protect against the potential risks associated with blue light exposure. This feature plays a vital role in promoting visual comfort, maintaining circadian rhythms, and supporting overall eye protection during smartphone use. Embracing the low blue light technology as an essential feature for eye health empowers individuals to prioritize visual well-being, optimize screen time habits, and cultivate a healthier relationship with electronic devices in the digital age.

Chickens and Plants in Harmony: A Guide to Garden Coexistence

Chickens and plants can live together happily in your garden. When done right, chickens and plants can help each other. By adding chickens to your garden correctly, it can make the soil healthier. Chickens can also reduce bugs and diseases that hurt plants. You may get a bigger harvest of vegetables too.

In this blog post, we will talk about the good things chickens do in the garden. We will also provide a guide for chickens and plants living peacefully together.

Chickens can cause problems for plants if not taken care of properly. But the environmentally friendly gardening with chickens method discussed here balances chickens and plants. By carefully planning your chicken area layout and choosing the right chicken breeds, you can enjoy gardening with chickens. You can also protect your vegetables and flowers. With some easy steps and plant choices good for chickens, you can create a lasting gardening together system.

Planning Your Garden Layout for Chickens and Plants

When setting up your garden space, think about separating where chickens go from where plants grow. It’s best to have one area for chickens to freely run that’s away from main veggie beds. This keeps plants safe while letting chickens roam freely.

In the chicken area, plant things they like to eat like clover grass. Put up a fence here chickens can’t escape from, but you can easily get through. Movable fences work well.

For vegetable beds, use fences buried underground or raised beds. This stops chickens from scratching or digging. Leave empty space around beds planted with shrubs and flowers chickens ignore.

You can also use moving chicken houses called “chicken tractors.” Place them in parts of the yard each day. This expands chicken space while crops get time to regrow before chickens return.

With a thought-out plan, you can take care of chickens and plants together in your garden peacefully.

Choosing Chicken Breeds That Won’t Damage Your Plants

Not all chickens are suitable for freely roaming gardens. Gentler breeds that don’t scratch and peck as much are best. Good options are French Copper Marans, Sicilian Buttercups, and Welsummers. They tend to be calmer chickens.

Avoid aggressive breeds like Americans that often dig and scratch a lot. Store-bought hybrids may also be hard to keep away from plants.

For your garden, choose calm breeds that like eating plants, not digging them up. Watch the young chicks to pick ones less likely to cause trouble later. Choosing the right types helps protect your plants from damage.

Creating Chicken-Friendly Zones in Your Garden

Designate part of your garden as a chicken grazing area filled with deliberate plantings appealing to chickens’ taste. Include chicken-friendly plants like:

  • Clovers (provides protein and minerals)
  • Grasses
  • Dandelions
  • Blackberries and raspberries (high in vitamins)
  • Vegetative prunings from the garden

Pile fallen leaves, chopped brush, or unwanted weeds in these zones for natural scratching and foraging material. Chickens will be more contained when they have ready access to a diverse, interesting environment in your garden.

How to Protect Your Plants from Chicken Damage

A few simple precautions go a long way in shielding valuable plants from chicken interference:

  • Fence off seedlings, small vegetable beds, and herbs with netting buried deep. This prevents scratching.
  • Cover young plants with old pantyhose or stockings to stop pecking.
  • Wrap spirals of fencing around tree bark to stop scratching.
  • Put objects like hot sauce or float vales that chickens learn to avoid around fragile plants.
  • Use natural scents like fox urine to keep chickens away from areas.
  • Cover garden beds with mulch-like wood chips or straw. Chickens don’t like scratching this.
  • With barriers and distractions, you can allow chickens free range without damage. Guiding their behavior is key to a peaceful garden.

Using Chicken Manure as Fertilizer for Your Garden

Don’t think of chicken poop as a chore – it’s great natural fertilizer! Fresh poop is too strong and can burn plants.

It’s best to collect poop from coops regularly. Then compost it for 3-6 months to mellow it out before using.

Spread the aged poop around plants and mix it into the top few inches of soil. This boosts nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.

One chicken makes enough fertilizer each year for 25 square feet of garden space. With careful handling, poop is a wonderful natural way to help soil.

Companion Planting with Chickens: Maximizing Plant Health and Yield

The practice of companion planting with chickens leverages poultry’s natural behavior to support plant growth. Chickens scratching and pecking in garden beds can be redirected from damaging crops to boosting them through strategic plant combinations.

Some beneficial pairings include:

  • Interspersing chicken-friendly plants like Dutch white clover among vegetables. Chickens will forage the clover, aerating the soil and leaving behind natural fertilizer to benefit veggies.
  • They are planting aromatic herbs disliked by pests near susceptible crops. As chickens disturb the soil, released herb scents will naturally repel detrimental bugs.
  • Growing legumes fixing nitrogen in the soil. This nourishes plants while fulfilling chickens’ pecking instinct, improving soil fertility.

Through deliberate companion planting, you can allow chickens to help manage pests, cycle nutrients and cultivate healthy soil – maximizing garden yield with poultry presence. It’s a win-win form of integrated pest management.

Incorporating Chicken Tractors into Your Garden Design

Chicken tractors can help gardens with less space or wanting to move chickens around. These portable coops on wheels let you fence chickens in different yard areas safely.

To use tractors, divide your garden with fences into sections. Move the coops each day to fresh spots. This mimics how chickens naturally browse while giving grazed plants time to regrow for the next day.

Look for sturdy tractors made for your flock size that are easy to push around. Add nests, perches automatic feeders, and water inside. The top should stop chickens from flying away but let you reach eggs.

With tractors, you fully control chickens’ garden impact. Moving them prevents over-browsing. But chickens still enrich the soil by pecking within your place in a balanced way.

Harvesting Eggs and Vegetables from Your Chicken-Enhanced Garden

The reward of your integrated garden effort is fresh eggs and produce! With diligent plant choices, your chicken-enhanced garden allows dual feeding chickens with garden produce and harvesting from chicken efforts.

Collect eggs regularly, being careful not to disturb setting hens. Store in the coolest part of your kitchen for 2-4 weeks of freshness.

Some crops chickens aid include:

  • Pest-resistant varieties grown among foraging areas benefit from pest control
  • Bugs and slugs are drawn to clover patches rather than vegetables
  • Deep soil processing from scratching improves the yield and nutrition of heavy feeders like potatoes
  • Fertilized areas spreading manure witness bounties of tomatoes, squash, and more

With each passing season, your garden will flourish thanks to symbiotic gardening tips with poultry. Maximizing space through rotational grazing optimizes benefits for all. Enjoy the abundance!

Troubleshooting Common Issues in a Chicken and Plant Coexistence Garden

Even the best-laid plans can encounter hiccups when chickens and plants coexist. Here are some solutions:

  • Escaped chickens – Inspect fencing for breaches, and reinforce with additional buried fencing or landscaping barriers if needed.
  • Over-browsing – Increase forage options to redirect pecking or limit chicken access areas using movable fencing.
  • Predators entering coops – Inspect coops for entry points and reinforce with smaller wire mesh if holes are discovered.
  • Increased disease risk – Remove food and water at night when not in use and clean coops regularly to reduce pathogen spread risk.
  • Squabbles in flock – Check chicken densities and types are appropriate together. Separate aggressive individuals if fighting occurs.
  • Soil compaction – Allow areas to rest by chickens by rotating grazing zones and leaving paths between beds ungrazed.

With open-minded problem-solving and adaptability, you can achieve a balanced garden and poultry care. By making small adjustments over time, your chickens and plants can thrive together through sustainable garden coexistence.

For More Information – Phoebe <phoebe@penandinkmail.com>

Is Travelling to Morocco Safe?

Yes it definately is ... A few words from my Travel Partners in Morocco

The earthquake that hit Morocco in early September 2023 primarily affected the Atlas Mountains region, which is located an hour and a half outside of Marrakech.

There have not been damages sustained in other areas outside of these regions, and all major destinations are still fully operational and open for travelers.

With the exception of a couple of properties in the Atlas Mountains, all of the other properties, and all of our providers for activities, transportation, guiding services, etc. are still open and operating as usual.

While we are extending our support and resources to all of those impacted by the earthquake, we are also well aware that tourism is an essential part of Morocco’s economy in general, and the affected regions in particular.

Given what our team on the ground has seen firsthand, and what our partners around the country have conveyed to us, our consensus is that, in short, coming to Morocco is the best way to help the country and its people.

We will also continue to share information about ongoing donation drives, fundraisers, and other ways to help support the impacted communities.


While we completely understand concerns regarding the situation in the Middle East, we do not have any concerns at this time about any political unrest that would impact the delivery of client trips in Morocco.

Our country has a long and rich history of welcoming all religions and communities of different religious denominations have coexisted peacefully for many centuries here.

Historically, Morocco has always acted as a go-between in the Israeli Palestinian conflict, and we are hoping for a quick and peaceful resolution of the most recent crisis.

Additionally, Morocco is not located in the Middle East — the country is geographically closer to Europe than anywhere else, and a flight to New York is closer than a flight to Israel.

The local authorities are monitoring the situation closely and we are in constant contact with them to ensure that all the guests traveling with us at the moment and the ones arriving in the next few days and weeks are safe.

Our travelers’ safety is our utmost priority and something we would never risk to compromise.

5 Reasons Why Travelling Alone at 50 Is No Fun

Traveling alone at 50 can sometimes lack the excitement and fulfillment that comes with shared experiences. At this stage in life, many individuals crave companionship, camaraderie, and the opportunity to create memories with loved ones.

Traveling solo may also pose challenges.  Safety concerns, navigating unfamiliar environments alone, and limited social interactions.

Additionally, exploring new destinations without someone to share the journey with can feel isolating and less enriching.  There is nothing better than having a drink at the end of a wonderful day and reflecting upon experiences and engaging in meaningful conversations.

Traveling alone at 50 may also lack the spontaneity and shared decision-making that comes with traveling in the company of others.

While solo travel can be empowering and introspective, it may not always fulfill the desire for shared adventures and meaningful connections that many individuals seek at this stage in life.


  1. Limited Shared Experiences: Traveling alone means fewer opportunities to share experiences and create memories with others. The joy of discovering a new place is often heightened when you have someone to share it with.


     2. Lack of Social Interaction: Solo travel can lead to isolation, as there may be moments when you wish to discuss your experiences, seek opinions, or simply enjoy a conversation. Without companions, these social interactions can be limited.


3. Safety Concerns: Navigating unfamiliar places alone can raise safety concerns. Having a travel companion provides an extra layer of security, making it more reassuring to explore new environments, especially during nighttime or in less crowded areas.


4.  Dining Solo: Dining alone can be less enjoyable for some people. Sharing meals with others is often a social and cultural experience, and solo travelers may miss out on the pleasure of trying local dishes together and exchanging culinary discoveries.


5.  Solo Decision-Making: While solo travel offers the freedom to make all decisions independently, it can also be mentally exhausting to bear the entire responsibility of planning, navigating, and problem-solving without the input or assistance of a travel companion.

Chef Dominique Guided Tours

Is Moroccan Food Just Cous Cous and Tagine?

Is Moroccan Food Just Cous Cous and Tagine?

Moroccan cuisine is a delightful tapestry of flavours, blending influences from Arab, Berber, and Mediterranean culinary traditions. Basically its cuisine is a tantalizing blend of vibrant flavours, aromatic spices, and diverse influences that reflect the country’s rich history and cultural heritage. Consequently at the core of Moroccan cooking is a medley of spices like cumin, coriander, paprika, and cinnamon, creating a sensory journey with each dish.

Here are some of the dishes you can taste in Morocco that celebrate more than the Moroccan Tagine and cous cous. 

1. Pastilla: A savory and sweet pastry filled with layers of flaky dough, pigeon or chicken, almonds, and dusted with powdered sugar and cinnamon.

2. Harira: A traditional Moroccan soup, especially enjoyed during Ramadan. It typically contains tomatoes, lentils, chickpeas, and a mix of herbs and spices.

3. Bastilla: A unique pie made with thin layers of dough, stuffed with a mixture of pigeon or chicken, almonds, eggs, and spices.

4. Mechoui: Roasted lamb or sheep, often slow-cooked until tender and infused with a rich blend of spices.

5. Zaalouk: A flavorful eggplant and tomato dip, showcases the mastery of spices like cumin and coriander. 

6. Mint Tea: A popular and refreshing beverage, Moroccan mint tea is a sweet and aromatic green tea infused with fresh mint leaves.

7. Msemen: A type of square-shaped, layered flatbread that’s pan-fried and commonly enjoyed for breakfast or with tea.

8. Khubz: Moroccan bread, usually round and flat, served with almost every meal.

9. Moroccan Sweets: End your meal with delightful desserts like Baklava, Chebakia (sesame-coated pastries), or Ghriba (nutty cookies).

 Herbs like mint and coriander add a refreshing touch, while preserved lemons and olives contribute a unique tanginess. Moroccan cuisine is a captivating symphony of flavors, inviting diners to savor the intricate harmony of tastes and textures.

Moroccan cuisine embraces a vibrant array of vegetable dishes that elevate plant-based fare to a level of culinary artistry. One standout is the iconic Moroccan salad, a refreshing medley of tomatoes, cucumbers, and bell peppers, often dressed with olive oil, lemon juice, and a sprinkle of fresh herbs.

Other vegetable celebrations of Moroccan cuisine include

Hlalem: A hearty vegetable soup that typically includes lentils, chickpeas, carrots, and a variety of spices. It’s a wholesome and comforting dish, perfect for colder days.

Taktouka: A simple yet tasty salad made with roasted and peeled green peppers and tomatoes. It’s seasoned with garlic, olive oil, and cumin, creating a refreshing side dish.

Carrot and Orange Salad: This vibrant salad combines the sweetness of carrots and oranges with the earthiness of cumin and the freshness of mint. It’s a colorful and flavorful addition to any meal.

Stuffed Bell Peppers (Mahshi Batata): Bell peppers are filled with a mixture of spiced rice, lentils, and sometimes ground meat. The stuffed peppers are then simmered in a tomato-based sauce until tender.

These vegetable dishes showcase the diversity and creativity of Moroccan cuisine, proving that meatless options can be just as delicious and satisfying.

Looking for your own Moroccan Adventure? 

Embark on a mesmerizing journey through Morocco, where ancient traditions dance with vibrant landscapes, inviting you to savor the magic of the Sahara, explore bustling souks, and lose yourself in the rich tapestry of a timeless culture. 

Join one of my Morocco Food Tours Travelling in  2025. Click here for details

Minced Beef Safety: Tips for Handling and Storing Safely


When considering ground beef, prioritizing safety remains of utmost importance. It is crucial to adhere to appropriate protocols for handling and storing to prevent the risk of foodborne ailments. Within this piece, we shall furnish you with indispensable guidance on the secure management and storage of ground beef, guaranteeing the safety and peace of mind in your culinary endeavors. Whether you are making meat-based ground beef recipes or vegetarian alternatives, these tips will help you enjoy your dishes without any worries.


1. Safe Purchase and Transportation

Choosing Fresh Ground Beef

Master the art of choosing fresh ground beef at the supermarket by verifying packaging dates, ensuring adequate refrigeration, and steering clear of packages that display signs of damage or leakage.

Safe Transportation

Appreciate the significance of maintaining the refrigeration of ground beef during transit, particularly when dealing with warmer climates or extended travel distances.

2. Proper Storage

Refrigerator Storage

Uncover the suggested refrigeration temperature for ground beef and acquire insights into optimal meat packaging techniques to thwart cross-contamination.

Freezer Storage

Understand the proper methodology for storing ground beef in the freezer, encompassing accurate packaging methods and labeling for effortless recognition.


3. Safe Handling

Thawing Ground Beef

Gain knowledge about safer approaches to defrost ground beef, including utilizing the refrigerator, cold water baths, or the microwave, to prevent bacterial proliferation.

Preventing Cross-Contamination

Acquire an understanding of the significance of maintaining proper hygiene protocols, such as hand washing and cleaning utensils and cutting boards after coming into contact with raw ground beef, as a preventive measure against bacterial transmission.

4. Cooking Ground Beef

Safe Internal Temperatures

Understand the advised internal cooking temperatures for ground beef to guarantee its safe preparation, free from potentially harmful bacteria.

Ground Beef Storage After Cooking

Discover the correct procedures for storing cooked ground beef to preserve its safety and quality, encompassing refrigeration and freezing techniques.



By following these tips for safe handling and storage of ground beef, you can greatly reduce your risk of foodborne illness. Make sure to purchase fresh ground beef, keep it at the right temperature, handle it properly, and cook to the right internal temperature. These tips will keep you and your loved ones safe while enjoying delicious ground beef dishes.

What Should You Wear on a Food Tour?

Learning about a locale through the flavours of its cuisine can add a sublime texture to your cultural exploration. If you have been to Europe, for example, you’ll probably remember the grandeur of its cathedrals and palaces—but you’d also recall the those delicious meals which made you say “Wow”. Trips to golden Qatar can be filled with the warmth of people’s hospitality but also the slow-cooked, aromatic majboos they adore. 

This magic can easily be  whitewashed if the weather falls cold and you didnt bring any warm clothing, you have sore uncomfortable feet, and you have to keep looking for a laundry service. Packing is almost as important as the trip itself , people often ask me “What Should You Wear on a Food Tour”?  Here are a few suggestions…

That’s why you should consider booking a food tour on your next holiday. The best ones grant you a comprehensive plan filled with the best food and entertainment of the location, plus a friendly tour guide that can take you through the in-depth history of a food site.

A Dominique Rizzo food tour can offer all that and more, as the resident guide has personally visited and designed the experiences she offers.

But what should you wear on these delectable food trips? When working through the delicious itinerary, you will, in a nutshell, want to be safe, snug, and stylish. The following is an overview of how to curate a great food tour outfit.

High-quality sunglasses

Your shades are for more than when you munch on arancini in sunny Sicily or eat shaved ice at a Hawaiian beach.

You’ll also need to shield your eyes from harmful UV rays that can cause eye illnesses or dizzying artificial light that can trigger headaches—both of which take away from the wonders of your food tour experience.

Stellar sunglasses brands like Oakley, Ray-Ban, and Puma address those issues. You’ll want to consider polarised sunglasses in particular, as they offer better visual clarity and additional protection from sun glare while topping off your look. While Ray-Ban and Puma carry these, you can try Oakley for its patented PRIZM lens technology that enhances colour, contrast, and detail—so you can see your food in all its mouthwatering glory whenever you dine al fresco.

Versatile layering


Bringing along an extra layer is good practice so the chill doesn’t mar your experience.

Dress depending on the local weather, though. Sampling the sour sinigang of the tropical Philippines? Consider taking a simple shawl or an Outdoor Research rain jacket for monsoon season.

Excited to try hot Kjøttkaker meatballs in freezing-cold Norway? Don’t forget to pack a toasty Arc’teryx Patera winter parka. If you want complete versatility—for example, if you’re willing to brave Alaska’s erratic weather patterns for a bite of their smoked salmon—consider the Flexwarm jacket, which can adjust the jacket to your ideal temperature.

Stretchy pants

What to wear for your bottoms has long been a dilemma for food tourists. On the one hand, you want to avoid feeling stuffed in your denim jeans midway through eating Indonesia’s succulent babi guling.

On the other hand, wearing form-fitting tights can seem disrespectful to more conservative food site locations, such as when sharing a Nihari meal with Pakistani locals. A great middle ground is flared leggings, also known as jazz pants.

Initially popular in the ’90s, these bottoms are experiencing a resurgence in popularity thanks to celebrity praise from the likes of Rihanna, Hailey Bieber, and Emily Ratajkowski and because they fill the need for a comfortable but relatively polished pair of pants. Brands like Nike and Glassons have their iterations, but you can get a great pair at Kmart.

Many customers attest to its butter-soft fabric and flexible, flattering cut—perfect to put on when you’re expecting to eat more than a few food portions.


Comfortable shoes

The promise of luxuriant fare doesn’t mean you’ll stay sedentary on your food tour. These experiences can double as walking tours, with your guide taking you through streets and sites to discover the best hole-in-the-wall restaurants and food stalls.

As such, you’ll want comfortable shoes. A pair of Hedgehog Fastpack Gore-Tex shoes from North Face is a great choice—they’re walking runners with cushioned Vibram soles, and thanks to their Gore-Tex technology, they’re weatherproof. You’ll be able to stomp through even the thick snowfall of Buffalo, New York, to get to their spicy wings.

You don’t want anything to detract from your delicious meals during a food tour, especially not your clothes. Remember to wear these essentials on your next food adventure.


*** Top Tip

Pack light – you will regret packing too much when you realise you can’t fit in any of your shopping while overseas


Historical Sicily - Dominique Rizzo

The Best of Sicily – Why Sicily Offers More Than Most Small Islands

Sicily, the largest island in the Mediterranean Sea, is a captivating destination that offers a wealth of experiences and attractions. While it may be classified as a small island in terms of geographical size, Sicily boasts an impressive array of historical, cultural, natural, and culinary treasures. Here are some reasons why Sicily stands out and offers more than most small islands

Sicilian food is insanely good.

I’m sure this is why I fell in love with Sicily even at an early age, but I know for a fact that every time I sit down and had yet another perfect meal, I knew there was something special about this island. Between the expertly prepared restaurant meals, and the fresh and authentic street food, you’ll never go hungry in Sicily.

While there’s a lot of crossover between Italian and Sicilian food, Sicilian dishes have some unique elements that set them apart. Due to Sicily’s geographical location at the southernmost tip of Italy, it has historically seen a lot of Mediterranean, Arab and North African influences. Because of this, in Sicilian cuisine you’ll find a lot of seafood, pistachios, fresh produce and more varied spices than you might in mainland Italian food.

That being said, Sicilian cuisine still quite similar to Italian food, so don’t feel like you’ll be out of your depth when looking at a menu! Think of it as similar, but different. Sicily is a very rich and diverse culture, so there isn’t one particular food that is able to be identified as the most famous Sicilian food. However, I have a few that I want to recommend very highlyGranita, Arancini, Panelle, Pasta alla Norma, Pasta con Le Sarde and  Cannoli are just a few of the top Sicilian foods to try and which really encapsulate  encapsulate the food that Sicily is famous for—and for good reason. They’re life changing.

The Aeolian Islands

If you’re wanting to soak up the sun and have an ideal beach holiday, Sicily can absolutely deliver for you.

Being an island, Sicily obviously has endless coastline, and there are beautiful, well kept beaches on basically every part of the coast!

Sicily surrounded on all sides by three different sea and the water temperature is ideal during the high season. One of the best parts about Sicily, though, is that being located just about as far south in Europe as it is possible to get, the realistic swimming season is much longer than in other parts of Europe. The water begins warming up a the end of April or May, and you can realistically expect to be able to take a dip well into November.

The endless opportunities for beach space means that you can have the exact kind of beach holiday you want. Whether you’re looking for a crowded party beach, a more secluded nature reserve, a luxurious beach club, or something family friendly—Sicily has something for you.

I have travelled so many times to the little islands around the coast of Sicily and they don’t disappoint, in fact they are a must to tag onto your Sicilian holiday and Sicily has made it very easy to travel to them all.  You can even do day trips out to these little paradises if you want!  Click here for details on my Aeolian Islands Tour 2024

Cefalù and Mondello are the most famous options on the northwest side of the Island, while Isola Bella, Calamosche and Portopalo di Capo Passero are the best options for the east side. There’s also the stunning and famous Scala dei Turchi, which is a bit out of the way of a lot of other things, but if you’ll be near the Valley of the Temples, is absolutely worth it.

Wine lovers, this one’s for you!

Sicily is a wine lovers’ paradise (which shouldn’t be a huge shock to anyone, given that it’s a part of Italy), but Sicily boasts so many of its own incredible wines.

Probably the two most well known and popular Sicilian wines are Marsala and Nero d’Avola – both of which are excellent. We also fell in love with Cerasuolo di Vittoria the last time we were in Sicily.

However, there’s actually a huge variety of Sicilian wines, including FrappatoZibibboCataratto Bianco, and even the very widely known (but not usually from Sicily!) Chardonnay.

Another great thing to do in Sicily is a wine tasting, so you can be sure to really get a wide sampling. The beauty of this is that almost all regions of Sicily produce wine, so you’ll find excellent tours whether you plan to visit the foothill vineyards of Mt. Etna, the stunning Val di Noto wineries (near Syracuse, Modica and Ragusa), the famed Marsala wine region, or the more off-the-beaten-track vineyards of the north coast and Madonie Park. Actually, you can even sample a range of Sicilian wines and cheeses without leaving Palermo

Dominique Rizzo _ Italy Tour

Now, most of us associate Greek ruins with, well, Greece of course. However, you can find a ton of ancient Greek history all over Sicily!

The Valley of the Temples site is probably the most famous in Sicily, and is one of the world’s best-preserved Greek temples outside of Greece. I’ve been to Athens, and I have been to The Valley of the Temples while in Sicily, and I have to say that it was completely on par with the things I saw in Greece, and in some ways a bit cooler because way less people come to see it!

There’s also Segesta, which is easiest to visit if you’ll be in and around Palermo—another really impressive ancient city with a well-preserved temple, and Selinunte, which has the added bonus of being right on the coast, which makes for quite the view.

Last but not least, there are a number of Greek theatres across Sicily, the most famous probably being in Taormina, but there are similar experiences in Syracuse and Palazzolo Acreide, to name a few!

If you want to dip your toes into some ancient history, Sicily is the perfect destination

Sicily really is the type of place to leave you in awe no matter where you look.

The east coast is an unbelievable display of baroque architecture, from Catania, to Ortigia, to Noto, there is no shortage of opulent and impressive baroque structures to marvel at.

The reason for such an abundance of baroque buildings on the east coast is a devastating earthquake in the late 1600s, which led to most of the east needing to be rebuilt from the ground up! Today, it’s an impressive and unique aesthetic that makes for the perfect backdrop to any vacation.

On the other hand, cities like Palermo showcase the many phases of domination that Sicily has experienced, and you’ll see Arab, Norman and Spanish influence all in one city.

I feel like architecture is really taken for granted when considering a vacation, but personally, I love nothing more than looking at some pretty buildings while sipping on an aperol spritz in the late afternoon, and Sicily delivers this dream ten-fold.

Like so many places in the Mediterranean, Sicilian culture is a breath of fresh air while on vacation.

Stereotypically, Mediterranean culture emphasizes hospitality, neighbourliness, relaxation, and connection—and in my experience, Sicily embodies these all perfectly.

Everyone we have come across in Sicily is so unbelievably friendly and helpful, which totally adds to the already amazing experiences we’ve had there. Even when it has been difficult to communicate due to language barriers (which are very real in Sicily!) I’ve found people to be patient and so kind while I struggle through my Italian and even harder… the Sicilian dialect.

Not only that, but the entire laid back atmosphere of Sicily is just ideal for a vacation. While it can be nice to fit a ton of things into your trip, sometimes it’s optimal to spend a day doing nothing but sitting at a cafe with a book, and Sicily makes that doable and acceptable.

The culture in Sicily is unmatched, and is definitely a top answer to the question “Why visit Sicily?”

Sicily is obviously mostly known as a summer destination, and with good reason—considering the beautiful sun and endless coast, but one amazing perk of Sicily is that the weather is never truly bad.

Even in the worst parts of the year, the average temperatures are around 53 F / 12 C, which is certainly not ideal for a beach vacation, but hardly too cold to still have a nice time traveling!

In the summer on average you’ll see temperatures up to  83 F / 28 C give or take, and I’ll be honest the heat can be brutal. But the coast and pristine sea water make it all worth it.

Because there’s really never a bad time to visit, why visit Sicily only in the summer? I went to Sicily this past March, and had a really lovely time. Honestly in some ways it was a nicer trip than when I went in August last year. I love the versatility that the weather lends to your planning, and it definitely makes for a great reason to visit Sicily.

No matter what kind of traveler you are or what kind of vacation you’re after, there’s something in Sicily for you.

If you’re going for the backpacking, city-break traveler vibe, Palermo and Catania have the perfect alternative vibes for you.  If you’re looking for adventure and nature, Mount Etna and the surrounding park is perfect, as are all of the ruins you can find across the island.

If you want to explore small towns and enjoy the charms off the beaten path, Savoca, Noto, Ortigia and Cefalu are ready and waiting.  If you want to sit on the beach and not move until it’s time to fly home, you have endless coastline to choose from.

And if you’re a foodie then it’s genuinely not possible for you to be disappointed.  Even the fussiest traveler can find their perfect vacation experience in Sicily.


Want to learn more about this stunning and evocative Island of Sicily?

Join me on tour in 2024 travelling in June and September


Sicily your perfect holiday - Dominique Rizzo

5 Reasons Sicily Should Be Your Next Destination for 2024

Sicily, the largest island in the Mediterranean Sea, is a captivating destination that should be at the top of any traveler’s list.

With its rich history, stunning landscapes, vibrant culture, and mouthwatering cuisine, Sicily offers an unforgettable experience for all who visit.  Let me take you on a virtual journey to discover why Sicily is a must-visit destination.

1. Sicily boasts a history that spans over thousands of years, making it a treasure trove of archaeological wonders.

From ancient Greek temples in Agrigento and Segesta to the remarkably preserved Roman mosaics of Villa Romana del Casale, Sicily is a living museum of civilizations past. The island’s strategic location in the heart of the Mediterranean has attracted numerous conquerors throughout history, resulting in a diverse cultural heritage that is visible in its architecture, art, and traditions.

2. Beyond its historical significance, Sicily’s natural beauty is awe-inspiring.

The island is blessed with breathtaking landscapes that range from picturesque coastal villages to rugged mountain ranges. The majestic Mount Etna, Europe’s largest active volcano, dominates the eastern skyline, offering a thrilling backdrop for adventure seekers and nature enthusiasts. The azure waters that surround the island provide excellent opportunities for swimming, snorkeling, and diving, with idyllic beaches such as San Vito Lo Capo and Taormina attracting sunseekers from around the world.

3. Sicily’s unique culture is deeply rooted in its Mediterranean heritage and is celebrated through its vibrant festivals, lively markets, and warm-hearted people.

The island’s cities, such as Palermo, Catania, and Syracuse, showcase a blend of architectural styles, reflecting the influences of the Phoenicians, Greeks, Romans, Arabs, Normans, and Spanish. Strolling through the narrow streets of these cities, you’ll encounter bustling markets, ornate cathedrals, and charming piazzas that come alive with the lively spirit of the locals.

4. No visit to Sicily would be complete without indulging in its gastronomic delights.

Sicilian cuisine is renowned for its robust flavours and fresh ingredients, showcasing the island’s fertile land and bountiful sea. From arancini (stuffed rice balls) and pasta alla Norma to cannoli and granita, each bite tells a story of Sicily’s culinary heritage. Exploring local markets and trattorias is a must to experience the authentic flavours of Sicilian cuisine.


5. The warmth and hospitality of the Sicilian people leave a lasting impression on visitors.

They take great pride in their traditions and are eager to share their love for their island with travellers. Whether it’s striking up a conversation with a local shopkeeper, participating in a village festival, or simply enjoying a leisurely stroll along the coast, the genuine warmth and friendliness of the Sicilians make every moment in Sicily unforgettable.

Want to learn more about this stunning and evocative Island of Sicily?

Join me on tour in 2024 travelling in June and September